Welcome to the official IQOS Kuwait Instagram page. This page is intended for adult smokers and IQOS adult users (+21) who require IQOS information and customer related support. By following this page you confirm you are an adult smoker or user of nicotine containing products (+21) or IQOS user.
Do you have problems with your IQOS device or questions we can help you with? We are here to help and provide customer care support Sunday to Thursday from 8am to 5pm. Send us a direct message.
Before we tell you what you shouldn’t do on our page, here are some things you should know about IQOS:
IQOS offers a variety of quality, scientifically substantiated smoke-free products that, although not-risk-free, are much better choice than continued smoking. Philip Morris International’s vision is that smoke-free products will one day replace cigarettes.
1. Cigarette smoking causes serious diseases and is addictive. Without question, the best decision any smoker can make is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether.
2. IQOS smoke-free products are for adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.
3. IQOS smoke-free products are not offered to people who have never used tobacco or nicotine products or who have quit using tobacco and nicotine products. IQOS smoke-free products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids.
4. IQOS smoke-free products are not risk free and contain nicotine, which is addictive. Switching to a smoke-free product is, however, a much better choice than smoking.
5. IQOS supports the adult smoke-free product users in their journey to full conversion through education and guidance.
6. For consumers to experience the benefits of smoke-free products, they must switch completely and abandon smoking permanently.
7. Minors should not use tobacco or nicotine in any form.
8. Pregnant women, diabetics and people with heart problems should not use any tobacco or nicotine product
We’ll regularly review the page, responding to and passing on as many useful recommendations as we can. We are glad you are here and expect feedback and passionate conversations but let’s keep it clean and positive.
You are responsible for the content you post on this page, and we reserve the right to remove any content posted by you that contain:
-Offensive or violent language.
-Hateful or discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs.
-Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material.
-Violations of copyright or intellectual property rights.
-Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other -people’s computers or mobile devices.
-Attacks on specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual.
-Commercial solicitations or the promotion of a competitor.
We reserve the right to block user posting content as described above and other content which we consider inappropriate.
Remember, content posted by you or other people do not necessarily represent our views. We do not have responsibility for any content or links shared by you or other people. If you want to share this page or its content with your own community, please, make sure the people who see your posts are legal age adult smokers or adult IQOS users.